Age and Tanks ?


New Member
Hi Everybody, (Hiiii Dr. Nick!!) LoL sorry
Anyway, I'm Amber and I just wanted to introduce myself as I am Probably going to be around here a lot. Now I know that this might make a lot of people dislike me right off the bat, but I'm only 16. Well, actually not even 16 yet. My B-Day is Sept.11th. Yes, I know. Anyway, I just wanted to know how old everybody was when they decided they were actually competent enough to take on a saltwater tank. I have taken on freshwater and tropical fish tanks and for my Sweet 16 my father is buying me a saltwater tank. Was anyone here my age or younger attempting one of these impressive tanks? Just thought I'd ask.
Thanx In Advance,


Active Member
Hi Amber !
A warm welcome to ya !
Really haven't much more to add to what jwtrojan44 already mentioned. Age has little to do with it - it's more about paying attention to the details, going slowly and building upon what you have read with your own personal experiences.
Wish you much success in this great hobby, and btw, what are you getting for your birthday ?
Sounds like a birthday present to remember - you're first salt tank :D If you or you dad need some pointers on what to get - just ask away ! I asure you you'll get a mixed view, but that's the way it works here ;)
Lots of ways to be successful


I know a 3 year old that has more patients than most 30 year olds. The younger you are the easier it is to learn new things and the better you will remember them. You almost have an advantage IMO, Just remember that the most difficult thing about this hobby is patients. You learn that the rest will fall into place
Good luck and welcome
P.S. I was 19


Active Member
Hi Amber welcome to the board,
As posted above, there are many young people here, myself included (almost 15). Not to brag or anything but most of us are very knoledgable. I have gotten into this hobby about a year ago and now I have a 7 month old reef tank that I have been successful with. You should research a lot and read up on saltwater, and if you have any questions just ask us :)