Age of Empires III


Active Member
Age of Empires III is now out in the stores, but I'm broke :(
OMG it looks COOL!!! Anyone who buys it let me know how it is.


Staff member
I've often noticed this game. What exactly do you do with it? Build empires?


Active Member
Number 1 and 2 were was Age of Myths. You control all aspects of an empires, all within a 3rd person, 3d perspective. You control the labor forces of your town, which consists of mining, lumberjacking, farming, hunting, fishing, and maybe some others.
Your laborers can also construct various buildings that allow you in turn to create different unit types, unit bonuses, unit skills, and additional types of buildings. For instance, castles allow you to create elite types of units, garrison infanty, and fire vollies of arrows at attackers.
There are literally dozens of unit types from halberdiers, swordsmen, war elephants, horse cavalry, camel cavalry, missile units, seige weapons...all with upgrades available in certain buildings.
Don't let me bore you with my explanation...go check it out at:


Active Member
i picked it up along with civilizations 4 on friday. i haven't slept since

i like these god games where you control little midget people


Staff member
Well, I tried the demo, and got wiped out. Can't exactly figure out what to do.


Staff member
Ah, the enemy attached, and overpowered my settlers and wiped out my lame defenses. I don't know exactly what to do with training characters? Or whatever.


Active Member
you have to build a barrack in order to train soldiers, and stable to build horsemen. build a tower to defend your town.
and you need to gather resources in order to build any of those.


Staff member
Well, I did build those things, but it didn't seem to help. I still got wiped out. How do you gather resources?


If AOE III is better than the second one then I want it.
Too bad my computers a piece of crap


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Well, I did build those things, but it didn't seem to help. I still got wiped out. How do you gather resources?
you create citizens or workers at the town center. and send the workers to gather resources such as food, wood, stone, gold, etc. you do so by selecting workers and right-click on the resouces.
you also need to research technologies from various buildings to upgrade your units and nation.


Staff member
And that was the issue. I ran out of people to send to the various outposts. Where does the supply of people come from? Also, in order for military training to occur, do you just send the people to the barracks, etc? Or do you have to do something else?


Active Member
you build workers at the town center. and you build soldiers at barracks. build the military buildings first and pop out the soldiers!


Active Member
you build your military units directly from barrack and such. you don't need to send a citizen in there.
you click on the barrack, and look for icons that look like a soldier or something like that. then click on it. within a short time, the new unit will apear next to the building. you have to have enough resource to build them
also note that you need to be in at least colonial age before you can construct military buildings


Staff member
What's the difference between this game and Civilization? Basically the same?


Active Member
this is real time, meaning the clock keeps ticking as you take your time to make decisions.
civilization allows you to think things through. it's more me actually. but age of empires has been such a good franchise i can't pass it up.


Staff member
Well, I just got Civilization 4 today and so far, I'm not really impressed, though I'm not really getting it either. I don't like giant men walking around a map. It looks FAKE. Anyway, even though the requirements say 256, my 500 MB is having problems with it.


New Member
Civ 4 demands a lot of resources. I am running with 2GB of RAM and it's still giving my machine a hard time. Your best bet is to turn down some graphic details.
Which parts are you not getting? What kind of games do you usually play? Tell me so I can make better recommendations in the future.


Staff member
The HD requirement is 1.7 GB. Now that's some requirement. I also don't see it so graphic intense to cause the lagging or the need for so much HD space. I play Sim City which eats up a lot of resources and give a lot more in graphics.
The thing that is annoying me right now is that when I try to instruct a group of people to move, the camera shifts to another group DEMANDING that move it instead. Who's playing anyway, me or the game? That is very annoying.
I'm new to this type of game, admittedly.