
jordan 150

In my 100 gallon my dogface puffer and my niger trigger get along fine most of the time but every now and then at feeding time they fight does this happen with most aggresive fish its not constant harrasment by either fish its just every now and then


I had a Stars & Stripes and a Huma in a 90, and they got allong great. The only time there was any trouble is during feeding. When the S&S was smaller, the trigger rulled the food, but after he grew a couple more inches, he didn't tank S*&T from the trigger during feeding. Now the trigger waits until various chunks of food fall out of the attention of the puffer and he goes for it.
the porky puffer i had ruled always at feeding time all puffer are aggressive eaters it is normal thats why some people don,t like to hav puffers with triggers :D