aggresive tank lighting


New Member
I am starting an 75g aggresive tank and wanting to know what kind of lighting do i need? I have a 2 power compact 55w 50/50 lights running right know.
thanks for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happyfish


Active Member
Most "Aggressive/Predatory" fish are active in the "dusk to dawn" hours and hide/rest during the "daylight" hours...
So if you run less light you will see more activity during "viewing hours"
I'm not saying you should run a "dark" tank, but 1-2 watts/gallon should be fine...
I noticed my shark became much less active during the day when I up graded from N.O. lights to PCs...
DOYING, you will be fine w/ what you have, :joy: as for NO LIGHTS, NOT a good thing to do, ALL thing need light, of some kind. don't know of anyone who has a DEEP WATER TANK! lights will effect all the growth in your tank an keep your TANK ALIVE an WELL an KEEP the INTERNAL BODY CLOCK for your ( fish or shark) in check.


New Member
Thanks for all the info. I already have a reef tank which is doing awsome, but I am going with a fish only aggresive may be a trigger, dog face puffer, and a lion.
Thanks all