Aggressive 6 pack

Here are 6 shots I took of two of my tanks. Not the best..... But works ... I think
1. He knows food is coming.



4. Wasp fish, growing and eating VERY well, as long as it dont move fast.

5. Green spotted file fish

6. Jaded File fish. I took 19 shots, this guy do not want to stay still. GRRRR. He is full of blues, purple, emerald to forest greens and a fire redish/orange tail. He has alot of flash, this pic does not do him justice.

Enjoy !!


Cool pics!
Please tell me more about your file fish. How long have you had them? Any difficulties keeping them?
I got the green spotted file about 8 months ago. When I added him he was really shy for a day. He got over it really fast and relies on his coloration to blend in with the rocks. It is very ineresting to watch him when I add a few ghost shrimp. He will point face first towards the bottom while hanging motionless next to the rocks. When a shrimp gets close he is on it in a flash. He eats anything that goes into the tank krill, squid, mysis, blood worms and silver sides. He don't seem to care for large chunks of food but smaller pieces that he can hang on to.
The Jaded was a little harder to get to eat. HE was extremely shy, even the act of putting food in the water was enough to make him hide and not eat. After about 3 days I waited for just before the lights would come on and add garlic soaked krill, when the lights came on he was all over it. Been eating like a pig since. He will eat anything he can get a hold of, he acts alot like a trigger when it is time to eat.
I have not seen any aggression between them, not anything else in the tank. But since the only other thing in there is an orange toad fish I do not know how they would act with another free swimmer in the tank. Both files have a very neat dorsal spine, it is about half the length of there backs and it is barbed. Kind of like teeth on a saw. I personally would not consider file fish any where near being reef safe. The ate a colony of brown poylps I have on one of the pieces of rock.
Other than that they show there relations to triggers by always picking at the rock and making short work of hermit crabs.


I've been looking into file fish for my 54 corner tank. Right now it has 3 damsels and a juvi spanish hog. The damsels can go back if needed and the hog is small and docile. My biggest concern is that I keep finding conflicting info on them. Some say they are hardy and others say they are fragile. Also, I want to be sure I can provide the right environment for them if I get them.
It is a fimbriated, he is about 24 inches. They get 32 to 36 inches in length, and are rather heavy bodied. They are Very aggressive.


The Green spotted filefish is actually a Slender filefish from Florida and only grows to about 4"....very peaceful with anything but its own species.
The red-tailed file grows to about the same size, but is a notorious hider, and likewise fight among themselves (actually, most files are one per species fish, like their larger cousins the triggers).
We currently have 6 Planehead files in our 300 gal. tank, with the largest individual running about 5" and ruling the others, who are all about 1" shorter......the extra room and the dither principle are the only reason they haven't killed each other. By the way, I'd suggest removing your toadfish now, before the massacre.....we had one that killed my 8" crocadilefish with one bite, even though it was too large to eat.
They stay hidden, but as they grow, their appeties become huge and they will TRY to eat absolutely anything unless very well fed, and maybe even then....they can grow to 12" plus and 2-3 pounds.

Originally posted by Balistidae
are they pricey??

They are avverage price. Here in Nebr. anyway. They run any where from $40 to $60.