Aggressive and Acrylic


Anyone keeping aggressive fish in an acrylic tank? LFS tells me they will scratch it up in no time. Any thoughts?
Thank you.
yeah it's easyier to scratch but it's just how you take care of it. i've seen some really nice acrylic tanks mostly large tanks 100 gallon plus
just to give you an idea mantis shrimps can NOT stay in glass without worries
BUT acrylic CAN!
hopefully that answered all your questions!


Thank you. I just had my 120 acrylic filled today
It looks beautiful.
I would like to keep a huma trigger and a dog face puffer however my LFS who appears to know his stuff told me that these fish will scratch the acrylic with their teeth. I had not heard of this, but I'm new to all this.
I will be disappointed if this is true. I'll have to decide on a new stock list of passive fish



I have heard this rumor before right along with urchins making holes in the acrylic
One thing to really watch for though, if you have a magnetic cleaner, don't let the sand get under it while cleaning, it will scratch.
Congrats and Good Luck with your new tank, just remember stock accordingly !!!


I did a search on this site aswell as others and it appears that there are well documented cases of puffers scratching acrylic with there teeth/beaks.
I have not found any cases of Huma triggers, tangs or other aggressive fish scratching with their mouths/teeth.
Oh well, no dogface for me, unless I can find a geriatric that lost its teeth.


Active Member
puffers with exposed beaks (dog face, stars & stripes etc)could be a gamble, the only other fish I have seen destroy a tanks was an 8" queen trigger that ws returned to my lfs after it chewed up it's owners 300 gal acrylic tank, and it proceeded to scratch the glass of the tank it was put in at the store!
This is more of the exception than the rule. I have friends who keep puffers and triggers in acrylic with no issues. With aggressives there are individual personalities, you wnot know until you try, if you get a problem child you could always return it for another.
Good Luck!


I have a 125 gallon acrylic tank, I would NEVER have a glass tank after owning this one. - So much more clear. - It does scratch if you don't pay attention. - However it's easy to buff out. - Every few years I break down my tank and clean my acrylic inside and out with a power buffer to make it look brand new again. Then I put back all of my live stock. - Looks brilliant even with scratches in it. (If you have some) - But my tank hasn't been buffed in a little over a year...its time for a buffing! - Just gotta wait until my leg heals.