aggressive and community


New Member
I have
55 gal
1) niger trigger about 4inch
1) fire clown
2) damsels got them when I cycled and there still alive 1 yr later
1) white dotted eel loking thing
2) red leg hemits
2) turbo snails
2) flower anemones
1) round type of anemones
1) mandrin gobie (looks to skinny)
30 pounds lr
20 ls
30 gal sump overflow protien skiimer rio 2100 return 2 power heads
They all eat a frozen assortment of food and krill.
What should i do I dont really want an aggressive tank I like the triggers alot but I want to get into angels or something diff.
and build my reef up.
Triggers are not good in reefs. but this one doesnt bother anything unless its feeding time
any sugestions (sorry about spelling)


Active Member
I agree, return the eel and the trigger, a 55 is not enough for either(maybe a snowflake eel)
also, how old is the tank? unless you have years of experience and equal amount of lighting with a mature tank and, you may wish to return the anemones too. They are difficult enough to keep in mature well established tanks, with lots of lighting by experienced hobbyists. And when either one of these factors are not their, the odds of succes are greatly reduces adn 10x more for every other one which is lacking.
ps, a thin mandarin is not a good sign it is eating properly either. A mature tank will sometimes help with them as well, since they often do not eat or eat as well as they should in most cases.