Aggressive Cardinals????


New Member
Long story short, my LFS told me my tank cycled before it actually did. We added 2 banner cardinals. a few days later we noticed nitrates getting high (40ppm) so we did a 15% water change. The next morning one cardinal died. We took the water to the LFS where they said it was "perfect". We bought a replacement Cardinal and 2 clownfish with 2 anenomes. After acclimation, the Cardinals paired up and seemed to bully the clowns. They cornered them in the back of the tank and the clowns seemed to swim backwards right below the surface. We netted the Cardinals and now the clowns are swimming all over the tank like a kid in the candy store. We were told to get the Cardinals first bc they are the most timid of all fish, but is it possible they are being aggressive towards the clowns? If so, how do I make them stop pinning them against the sides of the tank????
Current readings:
8.2 PH
0 Ammonia
<.25 Nitrite
20 ppm Nitrate.
1.025 Salinity
Temp: 76
Tank: 55 gallon.


Active Member
you got 2 anemones? Seriously? Might want to take those 2 back to the LFS and stop buying from there. When you walk in, they see $$$.
Honestly, clowns should have gone in first and then the cardinals. Thats how I did it in my tank. I did have to exchange one cardinal, a PJ, as it was aggressive towards the other cardinal. You can try to reintroduce the cardinals, just rearange the rockwork a little bit. Make it a "new" place for them. Where are the cardinals now?


New Member
We netted them for a little bit, about an hour. Still inside the tank. We released them a short time ago and they seem to be staying on their separate sides. Im confused about the comment on the Anemones? Why is it bad that we bought 2? I know that they will share one as one will go male and one female, but as of 5 hours in tank... they haven't even touched it.


Active Member
ok, post a says corals and this post (b) says anemones. Which is it?
Its bad for anemones as they need a very stable and long established tank and really strong lighting to survive. I certainly hope that neither one, if they are anemones, perrishes over night and you can take them back to the LFS for credit.
Having clowns host the anemones is not a garuntee. Sure the LFS will tell you it will happen, but they just want to make $ by selling you stuff. My tank has been running for almost 5 months now and I am no where near ready for anemones. You basically have to have pristine water and really strong lights to keep them. You gotta have good flow in the tank. Theres a ton of things that have to be right before a tank can get an anemone.


New Member
forgive me for unspecific information, the anemone's were a "Long tentacle" and a "sebae"? both actually seem to be doing well. Sorry for the dumb question, but if we wake up tomorrow and they are "dead".... what will we be looking for?


Active Member
jelly or slime where they used to be. I would seriously think about taking them back to the LFS for store credit. I do not know if they will live very long in a tank that is still cycling (presence of nitrite).
edit: i used to be a teacher and I have to get this in here:
"There are no stupid questions. The only stupid questions are the ones that go unasked."