Aggressive fish vs. Invertabrates


Are there any invertabrates that I would be able to keep in my aggressive tank 135gal with a lionfish, trigger, eel and puffer? I also have 80lbs of LR in with them. It looks so barren with just fish and no other creatures. Any ideas? Thanks everyone. :D
I don't think there are too many inverts you can keep with those fish. I know that your puffer would go to town having a snack on them. your eel might mistake them for food too. HTH
Someone else might beable to tell you of maybe one or two inverts that might survive with your aggressive guys!
[ June 14, 2001: Message edited by: Damsel In Distress ]


Trust me, your puffer will eat any inverts it can get it's mouth on. One or the other, inverts or puffer. I know it's such a hard decision, because both are great. Hey time for a new tank. :)


What kind of puffer do you have? How big is he?
I have talked to many people that have had no trouble with small puffers and inverts. Also if you get very large snails and hermits they may be able to survive. If you have a large puffer try buying one large hermit and see how it works.
*I also talked to someone (can't remember who) on this board that had a picture of his reef with a Porc in it that he said didn't bother anything.


Active Member
I would not consider a Puff with inverts unless you just want to give it good food. I have heard of people who claim puffers can go in a reef when small then suddenly I hear they are upset because it finally did what comes natural ate everything in sight. My own son claims he can keep a Puff in his reef and yet suddenly he does not talk about how well it was going. Puffers are GREAT fish but their mission in the scope of the sea is to eat everything it can put in its mouth.