Aggressive Foxface


I just added a new foxface to my 125 FOWLR tank. Everywhere I've looked I've found nothing but positive info on the Foxface fish. Passive, hardy, good eaters. The one I just added to the tank is the largest fish in there. Here's my tank list:
V Lionfish
Powder Blue
General Star
He has been harassing the powder blue non-stop since I put him in there, but leaves the other fish alone. Anyone had problems with a foxface being aggressive before? Hopefully he is just getting used to the tank and will chill soon, but I'd appreciate any personal experience people have with their foxface being aggressive.


The foxface has only been in the tank as of this morning but I hate giving my powder blue any stress at all knowing how they are. The foxface still has his ugly brown coloring and he's breathing heavy so I know hes stressed but if he doesn't leave the powder blue alone soon he's getting sold. Do you have a foxface, reefnut?


I have the exact opposite issue pb wont leave foxface alone. Last ditch effort is going to be remover both rearrange rock and put them back in. I don’t know :thinking:


I have a foxface, pb, porq, and lion in my 180. The pb was the last fish added to the tank. The foxface chased him around for the first day. Then the PB took over and set the boundaries. Now they get along and the foxface follows the tang around. I think initially they dont get along because they occupy a common niche, both being herbavores. Just make sure they have plenty of nori.


Active Member
i find that crazy that goes to show every fish is different.
my foxface folows my kole tang around lost a lost puppy and hes 3 times the size of my kole tang! hes very docile and doesnt bother anyone! eats lieka champ though!!


This all happened over a year ago, but now the foxface is as passive as everyone says. The powder blue is the only real mean one in the tank. I've got an emperor and trigger in there now and got rid of the lion. The porc puffer has quickly become the biggest fish in the tank.


Originally Posted by rrundle77
oh my god This post is over a year old

Yep. lol But it is good to let prospective foxface buyers know that even if it's wild in the beginning it will probably calm down after a while. Oh and I'm at about the same spot you are now. My powder blue is harrassing the foxface after a year of being friendly. Go figure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rrundle77
oh my god This post is over a year old

lmao dont ya hate when that happens