Aggressive Livestock


I am still very undecided on my new set-up's livestock. I am still cycling but I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for the livestock to go in this tank.
65g, with a big skimmer!
These are the in's
Niger Trigger, Blue Spot Hawaiin, Dwarf Lion.
Any Ideas on who should play in this aggressive tank. What can go with these fish in a relatively safe way.


I think those fish are too big for that tank. Especially since they are all agressive, maybe you can not get the niger


Active Member

Originally posted by Masala4080
I think those fish are too big for that tank. Especially since they are all agressive, maybe you can not get the niger

No, I don't think so. If anything, I would say the only fish that would not be suitable for that tank after a few years would be the niger. The dwarf lion and puffer really would not outgrow the tank.
You could probably safely add a snowflake eel to that tank without any problems, however, don't consider any other eel as any other would be too aggressive in such a small tank. Also, any grouper and wrasse are also out of the question because of the size of the tank.


Are there any other non-aggressive fish that would be fine with the Puff and Lion? Any suggestions?
I am thinking about the snowflake, but wouldn't the puffer make a meal of him?
Any other opinions on wether the Niger would be safe in a 65 for 2 or 3 years before I upgrade? Are there any triggers that stay relatively small? (obvious no, but why not ask)


Active Member

Originally posted by Simms
Are there any other non-aggressive fish that would be fine with the Puff and Lion? Any suggestions?

The puffer and lion really are not that aggressive of fish. Sometimes I found that my blue spotted puffer wasn't aggressive enough (mine got killed by my Bangai Cardinal).
Originally posted by Simms
I am thinking about the snowflake, but wouldn't the puffer make a meal of him?

No, if it were a larger puffer, like a dogface, porc, or stars and stripes, then I would say yes. However, a toby puffer really doesn't go over after eels.
Originally posted by Simms

Any other opinions on wether the Niger would be safe in a 65 for 2 or 3 years before I upgrade? Are there any triggers that stay relatively small? (obvious no, but why not ask)

I think it could be safe for two years, but three might be pushing it a little too much. Personally, I wouldn't go with any other trigger than the niger. The only two that are "safe" with lions and non-aggressive are nigers and blue throats, and blue throats are way too big for a 65.


I'm iffy on the niger now. ugh.
Here are some other fish i am preliminarily interested in possibly adding to the tank that will include the hawaiin spotted and dwarf lion. (nothing like taking a stand!) Any thoughts?
Lawnmower Blenny
jewel Damsel
redtail filefish
Orange Spotted Rabbit
Flame or Coral Angel.
Do any of these stand out as a "NO WAY"


flame or coral angel should be fine as long as you get them at full size.
the orange spotted rabbitfish gets to about 10 inches...
blennies and damselfish are big time lion food.
goatfish are a good idea, depending on what kind you want. some can get past 9 inches but most max out at 6.
the red tail filefish is considered one of the best filefish for captive use and doesnt get past 6 inches. another good choice.
there are some nice looking wrasses and anthias that get the right size.