Aggressive or FOWLR???


Active Member
I just got a 125gal today!!!!!!! Now i have to decide weather to go aggressive or FOWLR. Uhhh
what do u guys think??? I hate this. mabe i should just get 2 125gals:p :p :p I WISH, iam lucky to have one, anyways nelp me dicide


Active Member
Well what kind of fish do you particularly like, and how much money are you willing to fork out? Fowlr can become quite expensive, but bery well worth it if you ask me.


u can have an aggressive tank with LR. I think you should get a trigger a puffer maybe a lion, things like that would be cool


Active Member
I already have a 30 gal reef so i get that side of the hobby, is it time for an aggressive tank??
I was thinking a black trigger, humu humu trigger, bamboo eel, SFE, angler or leaf fish and mabe a puffer
a huma huma would be food cause they can get along with alot of other aggressive fish but if you go with something like a undulate you cant really have them with anyhitng else