aggressive??? or not?



I don't no if I want an agressive tank or not.....
I love angels, puffers,tiggers,and tangs but I also love reefs.
What is your opinion??? Should I go agressive?
I am not shure on tank size. Right now I have a 55gallon (to small) but I am going to upgrade soon.


Active Member
you could always start with a FOWLR, and add rock overtime until you have enough for a reef, a 55 is too small for most aggressice fish, but a nice idea might be a dwarf angel, toby puffer, dwarf lion etc. the dwarf lions and angels can be kept in a reef as well, you could try to keep the toby as well, but that will not alow you to have shrimp.
good luck


It is not money that is a problem it is just I don't no what kind of tank I want.
It would be a fowlr if I did do it and it would not be in my 55.
I like the fish in aggressive tanks. That is the only reason holding me back froma reef. It is also much cheaper with no coral.
What fish would you recomend??