Aggressive Reef?


Active Member
Howdy! I am interested in turning my 55 reef, into a 55 aggressive reef. I am also looking for a nice wet/dry filter for sale for anywhere between 100-150 bucks. I am planning on upgrading in the next few I know some of these fish will outgrow the 55 but does this sound okay? I want an Emperor angel, 2 clowns (already have), a niger triggerfish, a raccoon butterflyfish, a blue tang (already have), and a dogface puffer. Would that work? At least for a couple years until I scrunge the money for a larger tank?


Active Member
Oh, and a red volitan lion? How can I talk my mom into letting me get one? She thinks I will sting myself, but I am careful, and know I wont.


Active Member
Absolutely not. That is WAAAAYYYYY too many for a 55g tank.
The reason that reefs and aggressives don't often mix is water quality. Corals need good water quality and most reef tanks are relatively understocked relative to capacity.
You've got several fish in there that will be issues with invertebrates, eg puffer and large angels can certainly be issues with others. I wouldn't try it, personally. I don't think it will be a great reef, or a great aggressive tank. Just kind of a little bit of both and overstocked.
I would never recommend buying some of these fish on the "plans to upgrade in a few years." Do a reef in the smaller tank and wait to buy the large predators when you actually have the tank.
If you want a reef with things like a dwarf lion or valentini puffer, that may be more of a realistic "aggressive reef."


Active Member
not to mention with that stock listing the only things on it that wouldnt eat your corals would be the clowns and blue tang the rest would destroy your expencive corals lion is harmeless to the reef but not harmless to smaller fish and they grow very in the long run youd end up with a lion with corals