Aggressive Stock list ?



Ive asked this a # of times but. This Stock list is what Iam thinking for my 55gal but it wont be ready until MID Jan. So tell me what you think.
1x yellow tail damsel "own it already its in a nano"
3x 3 stripe damsel
1x Radiata lionfish
Cleaning Crew:
10x zebra hermits
5-10x turbo snails
5-10 sandsifting snails
1x CBS "owned already in a nano"
Could I be able to add a cleaner shrimp with my CBS


Active Member
That stock list would be fine if you wanted the damsels to be eaten. Sooner or later they will eventually drift to close to the lion and they will be a snack IMO. They will get mean when they get bigger and will pick on anything else you put in there too.


I wounldnt care if the yellow tail is eatin "killed my 2 clowns other wise I would hate to feed him to the lion". So what could I replace the 3 stripes with cause that would be a somewhat expensive lunch for the lion. I was thinking of a flame angel but everyone has one almost so I kinda want something differnt.


I would not advice radiata lionfish - don't have it, but it should be of the same size as my antennata lion. It's now in 90g and I think that this is the lower limit for a tank for it. Check the adult size on the web and try to imagine how it will moves in the tank (with the ruler). Lions are as wide as long, they need space to stretch fins, get some swim and be able to turn back freely. Mind that there will be LR in the tank.
You know about the caves to hide, cliffs to hang on, and relatively low light.
I don't know about damsels, but my (then toddler) antennata lion ate two small blue-green chromises (relatives of damsels), I could not imagine that there will be place in this small body for them.
My fish had chosen the blood shrimp for cleaning and in-throat emergencies, adult sized, of course.
I have zebra hermits too, they are good in picking pieces of food from the bottom. They grow big fast, give then more empty shells. For 55g I would stant with no more than 6 of them. And 3 XL turbos. What is CBS?


Radiata usually max out at about 9", give or take. I've heard from lots of people that they can live comfortably in a 55 gal, but I would think a 75 gal, or even some kind of wide tank would be better for them. The problem you're looking at is lions will eat other fish, so maybe aim your stock list to more aggressive or semi-aggressive fish.


Well than what kind of aggressive fish could I add with the lion that will work in the 55gal tank. The way I have the rock work He will have plenty of swimming room