Aggressive stock


New Member
Very new to marine hobby...
Still really in the planning stages of putting together a aggressive FOWLR setup, I've looked at at several threads from here and other forums.
I have an 180 gal tank, 30 gal sump, skimmer etc.
My question is about stocking.
Right now I'm deeply immersed in the internet looking at possible stock for my tank. I am hoping to perhaps put together an aggressive set up, but still be able to have some sort of cleaning crew that wont be eaten in a week!
Not sure if this will be possible....My only 'must haves' are at least 1 (preferably 2) Volitan Lions and 2 Eels (Snowflake and possibly a zebra) but the rest I'm fairly open, probably 8 large (max 12 in) specimens total....So I'm researching to see what might work.... Any ideas gratefully received!
Thanks in advance


i just put 6 turbos in my tank with a niger trigger and he acts like they are not even careful with the snowflake even though they are said to be least aggressive they one i had still consumed a fish.(was feeding him every other day so not to be hungry)


I would do 2 lions, a zebra eel and a snowflake eel... I really don't know what else is compatible with those?

crypt keeper

Active Member
The eels are fine. Its becomes an issue with two Lions. They will eat any smaller fish. Other fish may bump into to them and get stung. The eels will be fine with those two. They are great choice for eels. Stay small and arent that aggressive for eel standards.
I think 1 lion and a few angelfish. Or Puffer. Dogface or Porcupine. Panther grouper would look great.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
I think you can't do puffers with lionfish they will nip their fins...

Im not sure. I know triggers you shouldnt because they will nip. Bigger puffers shouldnt mess with a bigger Lion.