Aggressive Tank Compatibility


rto 29

My Wife and I just got into Fish about a year ago, and now we truly are addicts. We started with a 75 gallon fish only tank (for little guys) a Flame Angel, Yellow Tang, Foxface, Fairy Wrasse, a couple of Clowns, and some damsels. We did very well with that so we decided to try a reef tank. So we added a sixty gallon hex that now houses various leathers, and some discs, along with a sandsifter to keep the sand clean, a manderin, and a comet (very cool fish even though he's pretty shy)
Now I'll get to the point (sorry it took so long).
As the only logical next step, we have added a 110 gallon tank that we are going to turn into an agressive set-up. As soon as we go through the six week cycling process, that seems like forever. We have a wishlist for this tank, and would eventually like to add: a harlequin tusk fish, a picasso trigger, a lionfish, a lunar wrasse, a dogface puffer, and an emperor angel. Like I said that's the wishlist and what we're looking to find out is will all these guys get along, is that two many for the tank, and if I can find one big enough could I still have a sandsifter to keep the bottom clean? I'm in no hurry to carry out any of this as I still have six weeks before the tank will be cycled. Also any suggestions anyone might have for this tank that seems to be a blank canvas right now would be greatly appreciated.

rto 29

has anyone got any suggestions as to what might be a good set-up


I'd go with the wrasse and the lionfish. I should tell you I'm a little biased when it comes to lionfish though! :D
I'm planning a similar set up. I'm using a 100 gal tank that has just finished cycling. These larger fishes are typically very messy eaters and put a large bioload on the tank.
This is what I plan on adding:
Snowflake Eel
Dog Faced Puffer
Harl. Tusk
Bluechin Trigger
Dwarf Lion (Maybe...Might be too much)
The picasso trigger will get more aggressive as it ages. It may be fine for a year or so, but it may cause a problem with the puffer down the road.
Even with the top four fish, I will probably be pushing my bioload when they all reach adulthood.
Remember....If you add a sump, you can figure in the additional gallons to your overall volume of the tank. It doesn't help with the physical dimensions of having three 10" fish swimming around, but it does help with the bioload.