Aggressive tank feeding questions


New Member
Hey! I posted on here before about feeding a stingray, and got lots of great advice. Unfortunately, my LFS had some really bad suggestions on compatible fish. I started out with a wolf eel, and porcupine puffer, and a yellow wartskin frogfish. I added a yellow ray after being told by my LFS that he would go with the others just fine. After some great advice from this site, I decided it would be better to get him a new home. I decided to try a new LFS, because I was interested in getting some more colorful fish. They told me that a pair of clownfish would go great in my tank. So I picked out a medium size pair. They made a quick $30 snack for the wolf eel. I have now done some research on my own and feel so dumb for listening to these people!

My questions: I am worried that the eel (12 in) will eat the frogfish (about 2 in). He is about the same size as the clownfish and much slower, but the eel hasn't messed with him yet. What do you guys think?
Also, how often should I be feeding these guys? I usually feel each of them several pieces of krill per day. The Angler only eats live feeder fish though, and I don't know how often I need to feed him those or how many. I put in about 6 yesterday and the angler got 2 of them since the eel quickly snatched the rest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jackie1
Hey! I posted on here before about feeding a stingray, and got lots of great advice. Unfortunately, my LFS had some really bad suggestions on compatible fish. I started out with a wolf eel, and porcupine puffer, and a yellow wartskin frogfish. I added a yellow ray after being told by my LFS that he would go with the others just fine. After some great advice from this site, I decided it would be better to get him a new home. I decided to try a new LFS, because I was interested in getting some more colorful fish. They told me that a pair of clownfish would go great in my tank. So I picked out a medium size pair. They made a quick $30 snack for the wolf eel. I have now done some research on my own and feel so dumb for listening to these people!

My questions: I am worried that the eel (12 in) will eat the frogfish (about 2 in). He is about the same size as the clownfish and much slower, but the eel hasn't messed with him yet. What do you guys think?
Also, how often should I be feeding these guys? I usually feel each of them several pieces of krill per day. The Angler only eats live feeder fish though, and I don't know how often I need to feed him those or how many. I put in about 6 yesterday and the angler got 2 of them since the eel quickly snatched the rest.
A couple of issues here. First, to answer your question, I prefer to feed my aggressives everyday. I find that fat, well fed fish tend to be healthier and have better colors, as long as the water quality stays good.
Anglers are generally better off in species only tanks. Your eel and porc puffer will become very aggressive eaters as they adapt to your tank, and your angler will have trouble competing for food. As far as whether the eel will try to eat the angler, generally they will fare better than clowns but if yours is small enough to fit in the eel's mouth then there is a risk. IMO, the angler's really not a great choice in your aggressive tank.


Active Member
Also feeding salt water fish fresh water feeders is bad, you absolutely need to get them on a better diet. Which is another prob with the Wolf Eel who will probably take any food before you can entice the angler to go for it.