aggressive tank help


I just moved my reef tank from my 110 g to a 125g.
I was debating what to do with the 110g, and it came to me... Agressive FOWLR!!!!
I would like to know a few things....
1. Can I keep a SFE in a 110g?
2. What else would make a good stock list for this tank.
Thanks in advance for your input.


yes, a snowflake eel can go in a 110g fact, I've seen zebras live comfortabley ina 110g when they are full grown.
as for a stock list...look at an angel, tangs, puffer, lions,and triggers. Anything smaller, and they will probably get torn to shreds.
I'd really suggest a puffer...they just have the best personality of any fish I've ever had. Maybe a hippo tang or something of that general size, and either an angel that doesnt get huge or a trigger.
I wouldnt put more than 3 or 4 fish and an eel in 110g, or you are going to run into big problems with size in the future.


thanks for the info.
3-4 fish is really all I was looking to put in there....
I like the idea of a puffer or a trigger. what triggers would do OK with the SFE?
As for tangs, I just moved my reef to a 125g so I would have a 6' tank, as I have heard so many people say you shouldn't keep tangs in anything less. I have a yellow tang and a blue hippo. I could easily move one or both out of the reef tank and into the tank with the eel if they would do OK......


trigger should be ok w/ the eel, as long as you have plenty of hiding spots for the eel, and you get a small trigger (like 2 to 3 inches) and allow them to grow together, you shouldnt run into any problems.
I have a hippo tang in my aggressive, and it gets along w/ all the other fish, as long as you don't put more than one, you should be ok there as well. And what people say is don't put more than one tang in a tank


Active Member
Most Triggers would be fine with a SFE, I would personally recommend Niger, Blue Throat or Huma. I would avoid Big Angels in that size tank, and most Tangs.
How about this list...
Niger Trigger
Porcupine Puffer
Green Bird Wrasse


I went to my LFS today to check out some options for this tank. I spent a while talking to him about what options I had. He has always been very truthful with me, and is quick to point out any potential conflicts or problems with livestock. Here is what he suggested.... I just want to get some opinions.
Picasso Trigger
Porcupine Puffer OR Koran Angelfish
Panther Grouper
Would these fish work in my 110g?


ive seen panther groups quickly outgrow I wouldnt recommened one for a 110, besides that, it looks alright, and IMO the puffer over the angel w/ that stock list since korans can get fairly large.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ackdaddy
a harlequin tusk would be a nice addition imo
Harlequin Tusks are great fish. Big, bold, but never bother anyone. I've never had a FOWLR tank of any size without one.They're a wrasse and some like to jump; but mine just swims vertically when he sees me and spits water through his blue teeth at me. Like puffers, they'll eat any invert they can. Get an Australian if you can; more colorful and , IMO, hardier. I also agree with the opinion on the panther grouper; really pretty & fascinating; but grow REAL fast; and IMO, they just aren't as neat when they get big; they loose their "wiggle"; like my ex...nope, won't say it.