Aggressive Tank Ideas


Hey Guys,
I'm moving into an apartment that only allows aquariums up to 29 Gallons. I currently have a 55 Gallon tank and plan on selling to acquire the 29 Gallon. I'm used to having aggressive fish like dog face puffers and triggers, but I'm not sure if there are any that would be comfortable in a 29 Gal tank. Do you know of any that can possibly fit in a 29 gallon? I would also want to put up to two tank mates in there as well. Please help with some recommendations.


A little Wartskin (Frogfish) would work.
Or a dwarf puffer.
I can't really think of much else that would work.
I had a baby snowflake eel in a 30G for a while with a little blue spotted puffer but I knew eventually he was going to be too large and I'd have to move him to one of the larger tanks. I liked having him in the 30G so that it was easier to train him to feed and just be nicer about seeing hands in the tank. Really gentle eels, but still have that appeal of being an eel.
I also trained a young Fu Man Chu lion in a 14G, but again, I knew that was going to be long term.
Have you considered doing a Mantis Shrimp instead of fish? Or a pistol shrimp/goby tank?


Originally Posted by splenda21 http:///t/396213/aggressive-tank-ideas#post_3529743
The Wartskin is a good idea. Any tips on care?
I have never kept one, but always have wanted to. I've heard from some people that their easy to train onto frozen and from others that it's really hard. I'd be sure that you know you can supply it with live from the beginning so that you have food for it while training, or look for one that's already trained to eat frozen.