Aggressive tank (newbie on board)


New Member
For the last three or four days ive been reading your posts. I LOVE THIS FORUM! okay, down to business, I just setup a 75 gallon tank i got from a lfs. The guy who owns the lfs is a really cool dude. He cost alittle more, but seemed to be the only one who could answer all my questions. Since I have never done saltwater before, all I have to go on is what ive read online. My tank seems to be setup nicely, but I wanted yalls opinion. I have a little less than 115 pounds of lr, a powerhead pump that turns the water over 10 times an hour and about an inch of coral. In the next six months ill probably end up getting a uv sterilizer and a skimmer.
Next question = I want an aggressive tank, can you please help advice on possible fish. The only ones that im sure im getting are an eel of somekind, a lion, and maybe a frog fish. Thanks


New Member
Does anyone have any info on a Wolf eel? Could I put one in a 75?
I do have a filtering systtem in the sump, working pretty well. It was designed by my LFS. He says all the ones a that you can buy are inadequte, so ill give it a try for a while.


New Member
Guys and Gals, I know that I have alot of questions, thats why I try and keep most of them in a couple post. Real quick, I've only had my tank about a week, it has no fish or anything, but it has these these little bugs in it, there really worrying me. their no bigger than a pin head and white and there crawling on my glass. PLEASE HELP, I dont want to hurt my fish (they'll be in on Monday) <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


I too freaked out when i saw them in my tank LOL..but they are good... it means your tank is almost done cycling as what i am told