Agreasive Trigger


Active Member
I have an assasey trigger that I baught about 2 months ago when I added all my new fish to my new tank and transfered some fish to an old tank. My assasey trigger is way to aggreasive with the new fish I added this week. I braught a lion fish and and a maroon clown and he killed them both. He is pretty big about 5 to 6 inched and the lion was big as well, as per the marron clown I had a feeling he might of been to small for the tank when I braught him but I took my chances and he survived for a while without any problems. What do I do get rid of the Trigger or get more compatibale fish? I though a lion is compatible they are considered agreasive I guess. Is this normal assasey triger behavior,? :happyfish I had a clown trigger before and he lived with anything but he was half the size of the assasey I have now.


That's not unusual for an assassi trigger. If you want clownfish, lionfish, etc. then you should get rid of the trigger. If you want to keep the trigger, suitable tankmates are triggers, groupers, eels... anything else will be a gamble.