Agressive Clown


New Member
I have a tank raised Percula Clown and he is somewhat agressive towards my firefish. It seems like he is just bored and wants to play with someone. He just contantly runs around the tank goofing off. I am thinking about trying to keep an anenome just to keep him entertained.
Looks like alot of you do not like keeping anenomes but I think this might help the clown find a home in the tank. Any thoughts?
All I can tell you is I have 2 maroon clowns.
I have 3 anemones, the clowns keep care of all
of them!! The clowns will still go after any of
my fish that get close to the anemones. But the
clowns pretty much stay by the anemones.
I had that problem too, but then the fire fish died (not becuase of the clown). My clown also killed a smaller clown that I had bought at the same time as her. I asked the lfs if she should be attacking him and they said yes but not too much, she should just be chasing him into the corner, but she killed him :( Hope you have better luck with your clown!