Agressive Questions


I want to do a reef/agressive tank with no crabs in the tank with the following fish:
Dwarf Lionfish
Snowflake Moray Eel
How would snails, starfish, and maybe even a Cleaner Shrimp (heard that some fish will leave him alone because he is helpful to them) do in such a tank?
Also, what should I use to prevent eel-escape? Since I don't want to block the rays from the light fixture so as to keep corals alive.


how big is your tank??
The snowflake will most likely eat the inverts in certain situations, especially when it gets bigger.
My Sf eel doesnt really try to get out of the tank, if you have a good enough tight lid on the tank you should be good.


It is 75 gallons, and a tight lid is a no-no because it will block the light. Can the SFE really eat the snails/starfish?


Active Member
use eggcrate and fit it to the top of your tank...if the snoflake still can fit through the openings use plastic mesh to put over the eggcrate