Agressive Strawberry Basslet


New Member
I've had my tank up and running since October, and all fish have been in the tank since February, the basslet was the last fish added. In the past few days he has started chasing nipping at my red firefish. Now the firefish has pieces out of his tail, and is hiding in the rocks 90% of the time. Any suggestions on how to stop the chasing? When the firefish is not out, the basslet will occasionally chase my damsels as well. I


Active Member
If he is bright pink, and you paid 20-30 bux for him, you need to take him back to the fish store. He will not stop. If you want one that looks like it, but is much less aggressive, spend a little more and get a Fridmani Dottyback. I've kept them in small reef tanks with other rock dwellers with no problem. Just stay away from like species.


Active Member
There isn't a psuedochromis/dottyback you can get that will leave a firefish (and many other gobies) alone. The psuedos just don't like fish that are a lot like them.