agressive tangs


I have an 85 gallon fish only tank. I added a flame angle on saturday, he was hiding under the coral all day sunday and monday. I thought he was just getting used to the tank. After I turned off the lights I noticed my lollipop tang chased him and keep nipping at him. I could not put him into the hospital tank because I have another agressive powder blue tang in there. So my question is, does anyone else have agresive tangs? I thought tangs were mellow. My tangs eat silversiders when i put them in the tank to feed my snowflake eel and my lionfish. There goes 45.00 in the garbage. I originally went to the fish store to purchase a clown trigger but was told they are to agressive, I would have to watch out for my tangs!!! LOL


If my tang keeps this up the 85 won't be big enough for him either, I'll bring him back to the store where i purchased him from! I've read on some of the posts that members have several different tangs with angels in their tanks. I knew I should have gotten the clown trigger. LOL that really would have pissed off the tang!! Have you ever heard of tangs eating silversides?


when i first had my 90gl my yellow was very bad especially when I added an angel but now in my 150gl I have 2 big tangs and angels and they all make laps back and forth togather


The trigger probably would have been the better choice. the tang and your angel may have worked out just fine had the angel been in the tank and established before the arrival of the evil tang.
Ed is right on about those clown triggers--and when they're done with any living thing they can eat--they simply move on to innanimate objects like heaters and the like <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />
Good Luck


Active Member
Tangs will be very territorial if crowded. Being territorial will lead to being agressive towards tankmates. Always add tangs last after others are well established. I do have dwarfs and tangs in the same tank but have added tang up to 4 months after the dwarf. How long has the PB been in the Q tank? Perhaps you can return the lolipop, wait a while then return the PB to the tank. PB's are my absolute favorite fish and I personally would do anything to try to keep him and make it work. My 2 cents of course. Best of luck.


I never heard of lollipop either, or havenot seen a picture of him. he is not the achilles tang, he is the size of the powder blue, has a light brown body ( gets dark brown when mad) yellow rim on top and bottom of body before the fins. top and bottom fin have a black stripe, orange, black and tiny stripe of white. his tail has a yellow and white stripe and white running down the side of his face from his eye to his mouth. both of the lfs that i visit call him the same thing. I took out the pb tang from the 85 and put him into the hosp. where the lollipop was because they fought when i first purchased him, the lollipop was badly beaten up by the pb. i thought the lollipop would get along better with the other fish, thats why i switched. i could never but the pb back in the 85 he would kill the naso. that happened before also. i'm only kidding about the trigger. i would love to have him but i'm afraid of how aggressive they are. my tangs give me a tougher time then my kids. :)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The lollipop I have also seen called a powder brown. I am at work and don't have my species guide with me, but i know that there are two similar species that go by both of these names, both are in the genus Acanthurus.