Agressive tank cleaning


How do you guys keep the sand and glass so clean in your agressive tank setups? Can you keep any sort of cleaners at all?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Definitely depends on the fish. My refugium keeps my tank clean and algae-free.
Yep. Mine as well. Heavy water movement using powerheads also does a big part. For anything extra that pops up just get a mag float and use a long handled net to pick up any debris that stays on the bottom. I don't have any inverts or clean up crew in my tank at all and I don't have trouble keeping it clean.


Active Member
Yep, I agree. I don't have a single snail or hermit crab and my tank is not messy at all. I do weekly water changes and once a week I wipe the little spots of algae off the glass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yep, I agree. I don't have a single snail or hermit crab and my tank is not messy at all. I do weekly water changes and once a week I wipe the little spots of algae off the glass.
same here: gotta love magfloats


i have red starry hermits there huge but very smart they only come out when its lights out and all triggers and puffers are sleeping i loose one every couple off months also vacume sand 1time aweek plus water change like clock work :jumping:


Originally Posted by tjake68
i have red starry hermits there huge but very smart they only come out when its lights out and all triggers and puffers are sleeping i loose one every couple off months also vacume sand 1time aweek plus water change like clock work :jumping:
I tried those plastic vacuums, but they always messed up on me. You get any water in the motor part and it will start a battery meltdown. It also gets clogged easy. What brand do you use?


Active Member
i dont use sand in my agressive its cc all the way so when i do water changes i use a syphon vacume to remove hooks to my sink just like a water bed fill and drain kit with a 50 ft hose.i dont clean my reef substrate its left for cleaner crew 1/3 sand 2/3 cc


Active Member
Yes, the cheap ones are similiar to the battery powered ones, except they are cheaper and do not operate off of batteries.
I use them because I have aragonite in my 210 and clean it once a week.