Agressive tank filteration


Emporer 400,seaclone,5gal water change every week.
Is that good? Its to late for me to get a sump. Do i need any more?


Active Member
Thats not good filtration at all for an agressive setup. I would go with a big wet/dry filter or sump with dual filter socks and a large in sump skimmer such as a euro-reef or aquac ev 120 if you want to spend some money or you can get good results with an aquac urchin pro. When you setup the 240g. I would get A huge wet/dry rated for 300g. or a triple filter sock setup and an aquac ev 180 or 240 or a mrc or euroreef.


Your going to want to go for a wet dry and and good protein skimmer. Live rock will be a good friend if you let it :) .
How big of a tank are you going to have? That and your livestock will determine the amount of water you have to change.
Aggressive Fish eat a lot and thus poop a lot. The also like to make quite a mess of their food, kind of like babies.


The manager of my LFS told me "protein skimmers are only nessacary for corals only,and if you are just keeping fish you dont need" I KNOW HE IS LIEING! I keep telling my parents i need a AWESOME protein skimmer and they just tell me "But the manager at the LFS is smart,and he said you dont need to have one" (the manager has a 100gal tank with a shark and a few other fish with ONLY a emporer. :scared: (the thing is that.........his shark is 7 months old and still growing) Convice my parents to buy me a skimmer (they are willing to buy extra filteration for the shark) thankyou



Originally posted by Mr.Smiley
The manager of my LFS told me "protein skimmers are only nessacary for corals only, . . . and they just tell me "But the manager at the LFS is smart,and he said you dont need to have one

The manager is not giving bad information... and I'll be nice and leave it at that. If you look at the aggressives systems on this board, most will have one.
In my opinion, it would be very foolish not to have one.
Get some info off the net to prove your side... maybe they will change their mind.


Active Member
I would say a protein skimmer is one of the neccessities of any saltwater tank that has room for one. For an aggresive set-up, I would definitely recommend a big wet/dry or sump, and a good amount of live rock.


Active Member
Get a wet/dry... and a very good skimmer. If your tank is a 75 gallon or then go with the double wet/dry.


Active Member
No, not all that is neccessary. An aggressive set-up only needs one wet/dry, good flow, a good protein skimmer and it would drastically help to have around 1lb. of live rock per gallon of water (but that is recommended for any tank, no matter how big or small).