The trick to a wet/dry is setting up knowing the power will go out. First, when the power goes out the tank will continue to drain to the sump by the natural siphon. If the overflow is adjusted correctly, the sump will fill but not overflow. The second problem is that the pump return hoses will backflow. You can stop this by drilling a small hole (1/8") in the diffuser just below the waters surface, so air will get sucked in and stop the siphon created. The last problem is when the power comes back on and there in no siphon in the overflow. On most overflows, there is a
on the top. Attatch a small piece of flexible airhose to the intake of a powerhead and to the
. This will create the suction needed to restart the siphon. Try it a few times and prove that it works on your system. You will sleep a lot better.