reef dude

OH my god theres white slime everywhere in my tank. It looks like white thread or a spider web and its sticking to everything!!!!!!!!!! Its also spreading and growing by the second! it seems to be coming from the base of my feather duster but im not sure. I also puled out a huge clump of sand that was binded together by this gel. what is it???
IF these pictures dont load, click on the link to my websight, i Have a bunch of pictures of this stuff there now!!! you might have to enlarge them but please look at it!!!!


nm reef

Active Member
reefdude...I looked at the pics you have at webshots and I really can't tell exactly what that stuff is. The pics aren't all that clear...can you provide additional detail about the stuff? There are several types of snails and even worms that produce a web/string of sorts to catch stuff from the water...also could be a release of sperm for reproduction.....possible that is it a by-product of the macro algaes also.......where did it start and provide more info/description....sorry I can't be of more help/:cool:

reef dude

maybe its not slime, but its a thread like substance that attaches to everything!! its all fraying and floating around!! what is this??????

nm reef

Active Member
Some corals release stuff like you've described....sarcophytons even shed a layer of material that could be like the stuff you have....what do you have for corals......may be from any of a number of sources.:cool:

reef dude

it looks like a web of silver/white threads. I first noticed them at the base of my new feather duster(one day old) i then stuck my fingers in the sand at the base of the duster where it was burried and i pulled up a huge clump of sand that was very mushy and looked like a patch of jello that was coated with sande(gel binded i guess) so i took this clump of sand out and got rid of it because i had never seen such a thing before. but now i have noticed this stuff all over the tank, not just in the bottom left corner where i first noticed it. It seems to attach itself quite well to my plants. I keep netting this stuff out every 20 minutes or so and it seems to be stopping spreading but im not sure.. Like i said, it looks like strands of fraying threads, silver and white. some of them are single threads and some of them are multiple threads that are held together by a clear gel im guessing?
hope that helps