Ahh!!! Help!!!!!! Sea Cucumber!!!!


Active Member
Hey everybody,
well last night i heard something stumble the impeller in my powerhead, well it is about 10 years old so sometimes it just does that for no reason, well this morning it happened again and i saw a piece of my tiger tail sea cucumber come out...with it crash my tank?? This happened about 4 hours ago and so far everything is fine, I still have not found the rest of the cucumber, only about a 1/2 inch piece, which came out of my powerhead. I already did a 25 percent water change, so what is there left to do? Hope and pray everything goes well? I am only in 7th grade so if this tank crashes, i am done with saltwater for a while because it costs a lot of money and I dont have hardly any at all. HELP!!!!!!!
:mad: :mad:



Active Member
I don't know, I know some are, but mine is a tiger tail cucumber. So far my tank looks totally normal, I just hope I dont lose anything.


Active Member
I just read that if they die they may expel there internal organs, which are poisions to somefish. So i guess if the fish didn't eat it, they'll be fine.


Active Member
Umm they are still swimming, I will tell u in a second if they are still eating, let me feed them a minute.


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Yup, they are all still eating normally but it has only been like 4-5 hours since i saw the thing come out of the powerhead.


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I have 2 black onyx percula clowns, 1 blue devil damsel, and 1 yellow tang. I also have a bunch of hermits and a cleaner shrimp. And coral wise, umm, too much to list.
The only thing I am really scared about losing are my black onyx clowns!! They were expensive!!


Active Member
Oh, and I feed them formula 1 and 2 flake, frozen brine, frozen mysis, frozen squid...I think that is about it, oh and cyclopeeze for the corals but the fish eat it too.


Active Member
jeez no wonder you don't wannna lose them!! plus your only in 7th grade!! bummer! well i hope all works well, i think they should be okay


Active Member
OH NO!!! I just saw my male clown eat something white in the water, I am not sure if it was from the cucumber, it didnt look like it, but if it is, OH NO!!!!!


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Ok, I will keep that in mind. Why would this affect my water quality though, because of the dead animal??