Ahhhh Kids and Santa


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Just have to love those beautiful pictures of children and Santa. Here is ours from my daughters first Christmas.


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LOL poor baby!!!!
We wnet up to our Old Navy because they were having a friends and family night this past Sunday.
So anyone who had a pass could come in and shop with a 20% discount as well as get to see "Santa".
One of the worker's grabs her grandson looks at the girl taking the pictures (whicj they gacve to you for free which was really a nice idea too!) tells her to "hurry" as she is sitting her poor grandson down, pretty much how your daughter looks is how he looked.


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wow. those r 2 unhappy looking kiddos.
why do we do this to children? if some stranger on any other day of the year in any other outfit wanted to have our kids on their lap, we'd have them arrested for pedophelia. :thinking:


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cause deep down we want to put our children through what our parent's put us through.

my kids didn't cry which was pretty cool but they did look like the older one in some of the pics we have!


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Let's just say my daughter did not like strangers at the time. So after the Santa tried to calm her down my wife told them just to take the picture. Then she said "That wasn't too bad" Eveyone who heard her started to laugh.
Why do we do this to our kids? Well we absolutley LOVE this picture. It is one of the highlights of pulling out our Christmas stuff. My daughter even looks forward to seeing the picture.


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ur son's face is absolutely priceless in this pic. who needs a thousand words when u can make a face like that?


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lol... my daughter LOVED Santa her first christmas... second she would not even go into range of getting a picture as she was terrified of him.
This year we had to let her know Santa's full story

I don't know who will miss it more... her or I.


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Reef, I hear you on that one. This is the year for us also. In fact I used to be extra Santa, my wife and I would go shopping, but I always did a little extra on the side. It was funny to be wrapping present out of the trunk of your car at work.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
I don't know who will miss it more... her or I.

Reefnut, 2 years ago was when we told our son. We told him, he knows, but we still pretend there is a Santa simply cause it's fun. It's kind of a game now. I think just cause he's a kid there is gonna be a part that still believes, he will outgrow it in due time I guess. I haven't outgrown it though... I love Santa!!


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O-yeah... Santa's the best!!!! I may try that and see how she responds... I know deep down she still wants to believe.


Yeah, it's one of those..."Now you know the truth, we shall never speak of it again" type things, LOL.
I still sign the tags from Santa, Still put out the cookies, still put out the gifts in the middle of the night etc...
Sounds like we are confusin' the kid huh?? He's a smart kid. He knows we do all this cause it's part of the tradition and just downright fun. He also knows (and make sure your daughter does too) that many kids still believe, so she should not be the one to correct them. That's just mean.


i'm 22 and i still get presents from santa under my parent's christmas tree...
Scotts, i have a 3-year-old cousin, and last year she looked like your baby... When her mom handed me a copy of this adorable picture, Brooke points at the picture and smiles and says "i crying, i crying!!!" she was so proud of herself... it was so cute!
And i love pictures like this!!! The point of a picture is to remind you of that particular time of your child's life. In college, i had a part-time job at the Picture People as a photographer... i just wanted to slap the parents that insisted on 1 hour sittings (normal sitting = 20 minutes), so they could calm down their 2-year-old so they would smile in their pic. If they're crying, you should just take pics like that... i personally think they're sweet. You want to remember your child, not some kid with a fake smile... JMO


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That is a great picture! I think next year we will take our little one to get a picture with Santa (he’s only 10 months now and cries when anyone with facial hair so much as looks at him so I think he’d freak out if we handed him of to santa for a picture).


awe, you don't think that would be cute? I love crying pictures with santa...
weird that facial hair freaks him out!


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Jd, I agree, we are very much into capturing the kids as they are and not taking fake pictures of them. That is why one year on picture day when our son insisted on wearing a red tank top, we let him, because that is all he wore at that time. Let me see if I can find the picture. It is PRICELESS!


lol, i can't wait to see it.
Ugh, i had this one lady at the PP that didn't like her daughter's actual smile... she complained because in the pictures we took her daughter was smiling too big, and when she smiles too big her eyes get squinty... i had to redo the sitting, and had the mom sitting right next to me. She would tell me what smile she liked, and that's when i would snap the picture... thank goodness it was a 6-year-old, because i wouldn't have had enough patience to do that with a child any younger.
I worked there for 2 entire years... you would not believe some of the things i've seen!!!!


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This is Daniel when he was about 7 and wore his red tank top for picture day. We never got this picture and after calling the picture studio they said the picture did not pass their quality standards. We got this picture because the teacher had a copy of it on his folder and we saw it when we had a meeting with her. As you can see he did not want to have his picture taken. The teacher pointed out that her hand is in the picture because she had to hold him up.
Gotta love kids being kids. BTW this is the same kid as in my avatar pic.


lmao, didn't meet their quality standards how??? that's a great pic!!!


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Originally Posted by Scotts
we are very much into capturing the kids as they are and not taking fake pictures of them.

Originally Posted by Scotts

Gotta love kids being kids.
Absulutly... one day those "real" pictures will be worth everything... if that picture "did not pass their quality standards" then they have their "standards" in the wrong priority. That's a great shot...


Look at the picture of santa, my first thought was he took the babys candy cane away. ..see it in his hand? Awe give the candy back! Tooooo Funny.
Now as an experienced mommy, for you young parents. There is nothing more precious than letting your kids believe for as long as they can. How about letting the kids throw a fresh bunch of carrots onto the roof top (for the reindeer to eat) it's great to watch them run out in the morning to find them GONE or HALF EATEN. Or toss a STRAY present up on top of the roof, or get a pair of daddy's boots out and stamp them in the fireplace ashes and walk them over to your Christmas tree.
My kids are past these days by a few years, but remember ALL of it and probably will forever. How do I know this you ask? Cause I
remember from 40 years ago!
Merry Christmas Ya'll