Active Member
hey guys. I have been battleing with a coral beuty angel with ich for a bit now, and i went away to y gradnfathers overnight. The previous day i put in some Coppersafe for ich treatment because my little tomato clown also caught it. They were doing well before i left in the morning. When i got back the next afternoon the coral beuty was dead and my clown had a lot more of it!! So here comes the basis of my question, also overnight he now has a cottony looking growth on his eye and some hanging off. But he also has the small white specks of ick!! im not sure what it is so i bought treatment for both. Sorry no pics yet, i dont have a digital camera so i had to buy a disposable one and ill have some tomorrow!!! Any suggestions on ways to treat them?!javascript:smilie('
')please help before my babies die!!javascript:smilie('

