

well it starts like this 3 to 4 weeks or so my wife brought a clown and put it in the main tank.Hummmm. yep ich, lost my pretty yellow tang and the clown. my hippo was covered and now has no visable signs of it. I am currently treating with cupramine he is healthy and eating but i noticed yesterday he has HLLE now. what should i do he is in a quarentine tank 20 gal, water is fine no nitrate or ammo salinity is normal one small glass heater and a tetra filter with a airstone skimmer. no electric should be in the water, should i still get a grounding probe and add zoecon to his diet. he gets seeweed selects with 2 drops of garlic xtreme. omega one veggie flakes and brine shrimp from time to time. thanks BTW my wife to make up for it went out a got a 1 inch baby yellow tang and guess where she put it, yep you called it and guess what it had, yep, black ick UNREEL well she stayed in the main tank with the addition of 2 baby cleaner shrimp (she was scared of the bigger shrimp)she is now ick free and loving her new home.


Staff member
floorguy, this is why I do not like copper treatment for tangs. Can you switch to treating with hyposalinity?
Please have a conversation with your wife about the need to quarantine new fish. Refer her to the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for the QT discussion.
Likely any fish in the display will now also get ich.


I have a yellow tailed damsel in the main with the yellow tang they dont show ich at all anymore damsel never did, been 4 or 5 days with no sign should i still worry about that, i thought the shrimp would rid of it in the main tank. the hippo has not had a sign of it in 4 to 5 days also. I just added carbon to take out the copper and will do a small water change to bring down the salinity a bit or should i not do that cause i see no visable signs of ich or is it too early I have been treating for about 2 to 3 weeks now. will the copper hurt the hlle cause it seems to be open wounds? its not bad a few dots around the head and a really thin line down both sides of him. man this stinks. and the wife thing she cant do anything but look at the tank now and if she does that wrong there is gonna be a problem.lol


Staff member
My guess is that ich is still a factor. You need to either continue with copper or start hyposalinity. Also, hyposalinity is described in the FAQ thread; bringing down the salinity a bit doesn't do anything at all.
Do you have a refractometer and can you do hyposalinity?