ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my yellow tang died


:scared: my parameters are good eveything is a ok but my new tang has just died
i had a niger trigger and had to take it to lfs and trade it(not an even trade of course) but a good trade because the trigger was nipping my clowns but anyway i was wondering if they are just really easy to stress out .any questions you can think to ask you can ask to help me find out whats wrong lfs told me he would work with me on another fish but would it be okay to put another one in the tank yet????
i have one clown fish and a domiono damsel
o yeh i have a 55 gallon


Active Member
How long has your tank been up?
What exactly are your water readings?
Most people don't think a 55 is big enough for a yellow tang.


Sorry for your loss. People are going to want to know specifics with regard to your water readings. How did you acclimate the tang? How long was it in your tank? How did it look at the lfs? Did you see it eat at the lfs or in your tank? How long has your tank been established? Watch out...some people will think a 55 is too small for a tang.


i know that everybody scolds on tangs in 55 but he was a baby he had been at the fish store for a month and half i have been watching him once aweek for that long he ate good at lfs and good at home i got him monday water parameters are:nitrite0
my tank has been up since january and i do 10 gallon water change every two weeks.
i left the tang in bag in the tank for 1 hour evry 10 min. i would put 2 teaspoons of my water in his bag and take some out from fish store


Tangs ARE easily stressed fish. There's good reason most people call them "ich magnets". It sounds like maybe some kind of transport stress/acclimation shock and/or I'd almost put money on that domino harassing him somewhat. Dominos can be nasty lil boogers.


Active Member
One hour is not long enough acclimation for a tang. Also, your tank is supposed to be more mature before adding tangs because they are so sensitive.


Definitely an option. You may want to consider something a little hardier than a tang at this point. Another clown is always a good option...they are happiest in pairs. Be careful with the sizing though. One will try to establisg dominance at some point...so a difference in size makes it much easier...the bigger one wins. Waiting a while to let your tank mature will make it easier for you to intriduce some of the tougher species later on.


Yellow tangs are one of the only tangs i will deal with they dont get ich as much as all the rest and they can tolerate water conditions most tangs get. If u really want a tang in a 55 the only one i would say would be the yellow tang. Sorry for ur lose wonder what happened.


Yellow tangs are the hardiest of the tangs but it's all relative. They're still tangs and therefore more prone to problems such as ich than say your average goby or something.