Aipstasia Help


I have a bunch in my tank and like the looks of it. What are the actual downside of them that make people kill them? Will they hurt my fish? i have a couple that are a couple inches tall and wide. thanks


Active Member
first off, the search feature could help in a lot of these situations
but since im already here, a few effective ways to get rid of them are:
peppermint shrimp will sometimes eat them
also some joes juice will take them out. ive never done it so im no expert


Active Member
They will take over, if that is what you mean by down-side.
They are a stinging coral, if that is what you mean by down-side.
They are next to impossible to erradicate, if that is what you mean by down-side.
Some weeds flower, but pick them anyway, unless you want a gardenfull.


when i got them i made a paste of kalkwasser and injected it into the big ones (i hear vinegar works too) and i got a peppermint shrimp for the small ones


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix
when i got them i made a paste of kalkwasser and injected it into the big ones (i hear vinegar works too) and i got a peppermint shrimp for the small ones
vinegar, i'll have to try this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
i dont want to get rid of them i like the way they look. i was just wandering if they would harm the fish.
thats a first


I started out with 1 in my tank that was on a rock I bought about two weeks ago and now there are like 10
I ordered 3 pepermint shrimp last night I hope they clean it up


Lemon Juice work really well too. the only ones it didnt kill in my tank were the ones i didnt see. just make sure you get a syringe type thing to inject it right into the center of the anenome. that way you dont waste the juice.


I tried that at first when i only had one and now there are 10.. I took a turkey injector with bottled lemon juice, pulled my rock out and blasted away... and i didn't see it for a few days and then it was back and pissed off!


I had a piece that was absolutely covered in it. I boiled a pot of water and poured it over the entire piece. No more aip. the downside is that it turned the rock white. oh well. fuge piece.