Originally Posted by diane4
Oceanists - what size tank do you have and how many PS do you have in it?
And lastly, do you have any anemones in the tank (BTA, carpet etc)? If so, did the PS ever bother the pet anemones?
If I could be sure that the PS would not hurt my anemones, I would get some.
Maybe the answer is in the balance of how many PS for the size of tank you have.
Oceanists - how many do you recommend I get for a 75 gallon long tank (4' wide)? I have a well established reef tank, in fact too well, aptaisia and bristleworms are taking over and I hate the constant target fights with the aptasia.
What do you recommend for me? Thanks Oceanists - or anyone else that has a suggestion for me.
I have a 55 gallon with 3 Peppermints and 2 anemones and they don't bother them at all. But my peppermints also don't eat aiptasia, they have never touched it.