Aiptasia Anemones


How do you get rid of these little anemone. I have one pretty big one but not bigger than a inch and one little one starting to grow that ive never seen b4. How do you get rid of these things?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
How do you get rid of these little anemone. I have one pretty big one but not bigger than a inch and one little one starting to grow that ive never seen b4. How do you get rid of these things?

i heard you either can just chip them off with a hammer and a chisle (outside your tank of course), or you can get this stuff called stop-apstasia. theres like a million threads on this so just search it.


I heard you can burn them off by boiling hot water and getting a turkey blaster and squeezing the how water on them. I dont know how true that is but i wonder if it works


In my experience the hot water thing has not worked, and Joe's Juice can throw off your Ph levels. Peppermint shrimp did the trick for us.


pasty kalkwasser. Whats that? and i dont wanna spend money on one peppermint shrimp plus my tank is already stocked up. I have 2 perc clowns, 1 cleaner shrimp and 1 white ray goby.


Active Member
kalkwasser is a calcium suplument. just google it. i believe it comes in a powder form but ive never used it.


I use lemon juice in an eyedropper. Just make sure you get it right in it's mouth and squirt it quickly so it doesn't close up and protect itself.


Active Member
i use joe's juice, which from what i've heard is just kalkwasser with water.
i use just a little bit at a time, i'll take out one or two at a time. It works if you apply it correctly, with pumps/powerheads off.


I only had luck using those little nudi branch things. When I threw them in the tank I was thinking that there is no way they can chow on all those aptasias, but they did. All but the very biggest ones went bye bye. 30 bucks for 2 at my LFS. They reproduce like crazy, but so far have not turned into a new problem.


Originally Posted by FalynHarris
Peppermint shrimp did the trick for us.
I agree. This is the easiest way and easiest fix. Adding a peppermint shrimp won't mess up any of your levels and poses no harm to any tank mates or corals.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bruder
I agree. This is the easiest way and easiest fix. Adding a peppermint shrimp won't mess up any of your levels and poses no harm to any tank mates or corals.
peppermints are nice to have, but don't expect them to take care of the problem..they will definetly help. ime they only eat on small ones occasionally.


Than i might need something diffrent than a pepperment shrimp cause i have a pretty big one but no bigger than a inch. I would like to have a Nudi Branch there accually something colorful that i would like to have in my aquapod 12 but I was just looking them up and i saw they are diffcult to have. What do you think praisethel? and everybody else


Not any nudi will work, It is a type called Berghia. That is all they will eat. Very effective, but when they run out of aipstia to eat they will die.


Active Member
i wouldn't buy live stock to help with a problem in a tank.
Clean up crew is different, they will usually always have something to eat.
i also hear its hit and miss with peppermints.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
I never herd of a Berghia and how much do they cost?
20-$30 ,imo that will still not solve the problem.(it may at the begining)but eventually the berghia will start having a different appetite and most likely will ignore the aipsia..


lol dang what a waste of money on those things. Ok well ummm today i am going to drive up to this one saltwater store because my friend gives me the best deals ever everytime i go up there. I got my huge frogspawn from there and it was really 45 but he gave it to my for 25 but anyhow ima go see if they have sometime of chemical that will take these dumb anemones away for good but b4 I go is there a chemical i could buy to get these things out 4 good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
i use joe's juice, which from what i've heard is just kalkwasser with water.
i use just a little bit at a time, i'll take out one or two at a time. It works if you apply it correctly, with pumps/powerheads off.

JOE'S JUICE. Like I already stated, i've used with no problems. There are other kinds that you can buy. I've used this one and it works....if used correctly.
Some people say that a squirt of lemon juice in the mouth will kill them, others say boiling water(hot).