aiptasia out of control



get some peppermint shrimp...
trust me... theyll take care of your problem...
dont feed them though.. if you feed them its likely they wont go for the aptasia...
but once the aptasias gone you might want to take them out...
as they might want to start eating some of your other coral similar to aptasia..


I have a Copperband who has cleaned up all my aptasia. I've had him for 3 years. He eats Mysis and blood worm. Haven't seen an aptasia in months.


Active Member
bot everyone is as lucky, but i bought one peppermint shrimp for the ONE aiptasia i had in a 150. dropped him in one night and the aiptasia was never to be seen again.
turns out i love CBBFs anyway and he is coming out of hypo to go in my DT in a few says too


Active Member
joes juice or aptasia control by blue vet $ 12.99 a bottle worked great in my tank


Joes juice, just used it for the first time this week, works awesome. i turned off all my powerheads, filters, etc... like the directions said then just squirted joes juice on the anemones (i had some other annoying anemones too) kept everything off for 5-10 minutes then turned on filters and powerheads and ran some carbon and used a turkey baster to churn up the seattled juice so it could be removed from the tank. all is well in my tank.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp have never worked for me. I think they have to be from a certain locale to eat aiptasia. I love Joe's Juice but it's expensive, so now I use lemon juice.


I have had to take yet another infested LR out of my tank and kill it and then start curing it. I did one about a month ago. The darn things just keep popping up. The ones I squirt with Joe's Juice go away but when the little ones appear more densely than 20, I take the rock out and start again.
What I wonder is how cured rock has this stuff on it in the first place?