Aiptasia Problem


Hey gang,
While trying to take care of an Aiptasia anenome in my tank, I tried the old turkey baster trick and blasted its mouth with boiling water. However before I could get a good grasp on it, it quickly receeded back into the rock. I tried to pull it out with tweezers and only pulled parts of it out. I know I didnt get all or most of it. There are white strings coming out of the rock now. Should I take the rock out???? I dont really want this thing rotting in my tank but its a nice size chunk of rock.
Any suggestions/comments.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Don't pull it out with tweezers that will only cause it to spread. I would get peppermint shrimp like bruder said or get Joe's juice. You could boil the rock but that would kill all the other life on it too.


i have tried this stuff called aiptasia control by blue life which works awesome and is reef safe. i would definitely try this. i had tried everything that you tried and this was the only thing that worked that didn't effect any of the corals i have nor the anemone that i have in there.


Active Member
joes juice works for me, you have to follow the instructions....
Turn your pumps off and then just put some on it making sure you cover it good.


Thanks Gang,
Headed to the LFS today to try peppermint shrimp first. If that doesnt take care of it I'll try the Joe's juice or the Aipt. Control.
Thanks again,


Seriously, don't waste your time with any of these tricks. I had a bad aiptasia problem myself and bought a Copperbanded Butterfly last night. Woke up this morning and EVERY SINGLE ONE, even the little small ones are completely gone. This fish eats aiptasia like it's his job. I understand that peppermint shrimp can be hit or miss so you may want to go ahead and get this fish.
I'm gonna leave him in for a month just make sure nothing comes back and then I'll trade him in. So for $25 I basically rented an Aiptasia Terminator, that should be the new name for this fish.


Active Member
I wouldn't call it wasting time. I've had a lot of success with peppermint shrimp and Joe's Juice and many others have too. I would rather do that than buy a fish that doesn't have the best survival record and isn't in the plans for your tank.


Originally Posted by patandlace
I wouldn't call it wasting time. I've had a lot of success with peppermint shrimp and Joe's Juice and many others have too. I would rather do that than buy a fish that doesn't have the best survival record and isn't in the plans for your tank.
Just saying that a lot of people have not had such good luck with peppermints or they cannot try them because of aggressive setups.
Also, the butterfly isn't in my long term plans. I was planning on trading him in but I'm starting to like him now and may keep him if I have room.
Either way, the butterfly may be the cheaper thing to use and is way less labor intensive than using Joe's Juice. Peppermint shrimp may take a while longer as well. The butterfly fish took out about 15-20 in my tank overnight. It is a natural predator of the aiptasia.
Not trying to start an argument, just sharing my experience/success with the butterfly.


Originally Posted by trainfever
Where did you get a Copperband Butterfly for only $25.00?
I paid $49 for him, but will get $25 back when/if I trade him in. I like his colors though, and he appears very happy in my setup so I may just leave him.


Active Member
i can't see justifing buying a fish to get rid of aiptasia, joes juice or pepermint shrimp are much better ways. :thinking: come to think of it, i don't really agree with buying any fish or invert to get rid of them.
from what i understand joes juice is just kalkwasser


Originally Posted by larryndana
i can't see justifing buying a fish to get rid of aiptasia, joes juice or pepermint shrimp are much better ways. :thinking: come to think of it, i don't really agree with buying any fish or invert to get rid of them.
from what i understand joes juice is just kalkwasser
i just bought a rock with star polyps on it...and if my peps don't eat the few aptasia on it i was gonna try joes....if it is kalk then what will that do to my calcium levels???


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjason3041
i just bought a rock with star polyps on it...and if my peps don't eat the few aptasia on it i was gonna try joes....if it is kalk then what will that do to my calcium levels???
keep in mind this is what i read in another thread.
I wouldn't go crazy with it. I do one or two aiptasia every time i have to do it.


i tried joes juice but they seem to come back. how often should i use joes juice. how fast do the glass anemones reproduce.