Aiptasia question


Active Member
I've got about 5 of these little buggers (one about the size of a quarter, the rest are quite tiny- but growing). My tank is not quite through a cycle, trites are hangin' on at .1
I wanted to get some pep. shrimp anyway, so would it be OK to leave it for now til I can get the shrimp or feed it some kalk paste and be done with it?
Also what kind of syringe are you using and where did you get it from?
Thanks :)


I'm gonna go ahead and say "bump" for you. I'm afraid I may have a pest in my tank as well - not aptasia though. So how do you INJECT the little SOBs?


Active Member
When that cycle is finished, IMO I would add the peppermints (you wanted them anyways) and see if that does the trick. If not, then I would move to the kalk. I only say use the pepp. b/c they are still small. HTH


Active Member
forgot to add, after the cycle does end do a water change and make sure parameters stay in check over the next few days. Also, shrimp need to be acclimated at least 2X the norm (do this over at least a 2 hour period).
if you're in a hurry and personally I wouldn't wait for the aip to reproduce, use a syringe and inject it with boiling water. If they are to small to inject shoot it at them point blank. The small amount of hot water will not hurt anything and will quickly diffuse in the rest of the tank water. It may take several applications to kill them. Good luck!