Well-Known Member
I bought some snails to increase my CUC and got some empty hermit crab shells for my dwarfs to grow into. While I was acclimating them, I noticed something poking out of one of the empty shells. I carefully and slowly removed it from the bag and placed it in a glass dish with saltwater and QT'd everything else. I observed it for over an hour. If I let the dish sit undisturbed, it slowly poked it's way out of the shell and was moving it's tentacle's on it's own. There was no water current. If I touched the dish or disturbed it in anyway, it retracted back into the shell. This thing is extremely fast in retracting back into the shell. Like the fans on a feather duster. I can't see the body. Only what looks like a mouth as you can see in the first and second photos. Is this Aiptasia or some other critter/pest? All the photos I've ever seen of Aiptasia have never shown this view. As soon as I can figure out what this is, the sooner I can figure out what to do with the snails and empty shells in QT. BTW: Every time I go to my LFS, I inspect the tanks looking for signs of Aiptasia because I know it's such a dreaded pest and this trip I didn't see anything either. Thanks everybody.