Aiptasia's for a 1,000 time


I don't know how many times I've read about thease. I've got them bad now , tried kalac, used Joes juice, got 1 peperment shrimp about 6 mounths now. Anybody have anything to say about the Berghia Nudibranch & how I can get a hold of some?/


Active Member
If you have them in you big tank one peppermint shrimp will take a long time to find it. Try more pepermint shrimp and less feeding to force the shrimp to scavenge and find them. My .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
I don't know how many times I've read about thease. I've got them bad now , tried kalac, used Joes juice, got 1 peperment shrimp about 6 mounths now. Anybody have anything to say about the Berghia Nudibranch & how I can get a hold of some?/
google "Berghia" without the quotes it will be in the orange box on top


if you don't have corals and don't mind some inverts getting eaten try a Raccoon Butterfly, they'll destroy the aiptasia population. There was a LFS here that has TONS of them in a shark tank (so obviously peppermint shrimp was out of the question) probably in the 250 gallon range and they threw a couple in there, couple days later they were all gone. If you have corals, try a copper banded butterfly just keep an eye on it. mine doesn't bother any inverts or anemones but some might. Those are my suggestions.


Peppermints are hit and miss, some will some won't...I think it depends on where they were collected. Berghia are great, but will die as soon as the aptasia is gone, and often times end up in powerheads


Active Member
some peppermints are mistaken for another shrimp (can't remember the name) but the true peppermints are good to go. Mine devoured my apts really fast and they have not returned.


Correct me if I'm wrong but: Camel back shrimp are mistaken for peppermints a lot and are not all that reef safe.


yea, the camel backs look similar but anyone dealing in live stock should be able to tell the difference. "Should" being the key word here. I see stuff mislabelled all the time at my LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
I don't know how many times I've read about thease. I've got them bad now , tried kalac, used Joes juice, got 1 peperment shrimp about 6 mounths now. Anybody have anything to say about the Berghia Nudibranch & how I can get a hold of some?/

I have tried everything and the only thing that has worked is a copperband butterfly. Best $30 I have ever spent. Mine devoured over 100 pieces in 2 weeks.


watch out for camelback shrimp, U can tell the difference by looking at there eyes. Pepps have beedy black eyes, camels have larger spreadout greenish eyes along with the obvious hump in the tail. There are also some pepps that have a light green color in there heads, these are not good Peppermint shrimp. You want all clear with red stripes, any other colors and they might eat the wrong things!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Hay Grumpy, Dosen't the Copperband go after some type of coral or invertabrate
I have one in this tank and all seems ok?


I have a copperband butterfly in my 55G reef and he has done a pretty good job. He didnt eat any aiptasia until he was in the tank for about a week. He slurped up every feather duster I had though. I have also heard they pick on clams. But other than that are pretty reef safe.
Now, he has eaten every piece of aiptasia in the tank except for one. It is a pretty large sized one. I need to get the joes juice out for him.


i agree with earlybird, peppermints are the way to go, add more than one for that size tank, IMO, i would add 10.....cut back on feeding for a week, they will eat all aptasia, as long as they are not 2 large, then you need to remove rock and douce with boiling water, dont waste money on anyone "juice".....of course JMO.


Found a greate thread on Berghia nudi by serching keyword Berghia. Everybody should read it. $150 for enough for my 120 gal. Sounds like the way to go though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
would copperbands kill hawaiin feather dusters?
Mine are still in there but I could see that happening?


Active Member
I used this befor and it worked from a site I found.
Prepare stock solution
1. 1 tsp. pickling lime - food grade calcium hydroxide
2. 2 tbls. tap water.
boil water and lime in microwave for 40 sec.
keep closed plastic container in cool place.
You will need a vet syringe from a pet store that sells vaccinations
This mixture comes out of the needle very thick. You do not need to inject the Aiptasia.
Just release a small amount on to the aiptasia and it will take it in. This mixture seems to stick to the
anemone, but it does not stick to the other inverts. We also use this mixture on problem hair algae.