Air bubble in eye


I recently (sunday) added a catalufa to my 120 gal tank. i just got home and there are three relatively large "air" bubbles under the lens of the eye. my tank has been well established for about 2 1/2 years. the only other fish in the tank are a pork. puffer, foxface and a blenny. the water peramiters have been fine (a little nitrates have been present for a while but everyone else has been fine). any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks.


Staff member
Can you post up a pic of this?? You didn't notice it at the LFS?
How is the fish doing besides the eye problem?


the fish was fine at the lfs (i always check the fish well and never buy new fish to the store - he has been there for 4 months) and was fine last night. he ate a little bit of food both nights. last night there were no signs of this. now it looks like that the two of the air bubbles have now turned into one. other than this he is acting normal (breathing is normal, no irratic movements) he is just hangin' out at the front of the tank. i will try to take a picture but it won't be unti tomorrow (camera is at the office). thanks