Air bubbles and dog hair?


Ok yesterday i changed my filter from a Whisper 30-60 to a Marineland 350 bio wheel. Its a 30 gallon tank btw. Today i go check all my levels and i notice that i have dog hair in my tank. Now i have seen it in there before, but now its a lot since i was adjusting and playing with the filter. I tried getting it out with a net, but it seems like for every 1 hair i get i put 2 more in. I tried a lint roller on the net but that didn't seem to help. I have 5 dogs now and there isn't much in my house thats immune from dog hair. My big question is, how bad can dog hair be for a saltwater tank? I would imagine that since its just dead skin cells that it would be broken down and cause a small spike in ammonia, but im not sure. Also, the new filter makes a pretty big stream of bubbles once it hits the water. Propably about 5 inches deep is a good amount of bubbles. Is this bad? I have read mixed reviews on bubbles, some saying all it does is burst and throw your salt from the water, but i don't know. Also, i am getting little white dots all over the back of my tank on the inside. Can someone give me a hint to what these are. Sorry i kinda jumbled it all together, ill make a list of my q's.
1. How bad is dog hair for a marine tank?
2. I have bubbles, are they bad?
3. Whats the little white dots on the inside of my tank?
Thanks for any help you can give.


my skimmer takes care of the dog hair. My tank sets in my foyer and the stairs rap around the tank so I always get dog hair in my tank from time to time. I have never had any ill effects but again I don't spray my pets with flea stuff or colonges.


oh and yes bubbles for long periods are bad for salt tanks. Find what is causeing it to get rid of them. They can get stuck in your fishes gills and could kill them


Well thats good to know. And the bubbles are from my filter. Its an HOB filter so its always going to cuase them.