Air Bubbles Developing


In my U-tube which syphons to the Refugium
Air bubbles consisitently develop threatening to break the syphon.
I have to constantly pull the u-tube out and start a new syphon
plus I'm going away soon and don't think the syphon will last.
What can be done??


Active Member

Originally posted by magyk
In my U-tube which syphons to the Refugium
Air bubbles consisitently develop threatening to break the syphon.
I have to constantly pull the u-tube out and start a new syphon
plus I'm going away soon and don't think the syphon will last.
What can be done??

I had the same problem because of the low flow rates going out to my refug.. I added some plastic to the U tube at the end so the water exits vertically instead of downward into the overflow... The bubbles cant come back into the tube..


I have that problem too.:mad: but just on the left side. I tryed adjusting it out but that didn't help. I would LOVE to have a better idea of what you are talking about so I could try it too!!