Air bubbles from return line


Active Member
Many, Many questions. Do you have the ability to post pictures of your setup? The first that I can think of is that some air is being sucked into your pump from your inlet side of your pump. Did you install a new pump, there is the possibility that your supply to your pump is not sufficient and your pump is cavitating (sp?) Possibly something got into the inlet line of your pump and clogged it up?
Can you post more information?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
The pump is completely submerged, has about 3 inches of water over the top of it. But it sort of is cavitating, only shoots out bubbles every 5 sec or so and kinda sounds like its straining. Ill take it apart and see what the problem is. I had high calcium levels so maybe there is a buildup up that in there. Ill go take it apart, thanks. Ill be back to post results.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i took it apart, nothing. Its fully submerged, but somehow its getting air bubbles-- i cant figure it out, put a filter on the end and still puts small bubbles into tank. Any more help would be greatly appreciated.
my pump is a mag 3.


Active Member
Is this a new set up or has it been running for a while. From what I see a mag 3 is about 350 GPH. That is about 6 GPM. Which means your 20 gallon refuge is being changed out once every three minutes. Does this sound right?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
yeah i guess thats right, what i think is happening is that all my other pumps (one to my berlin, and the microjet going over to my fuge) are creating the bubbles. They are then sucked into my return pump and up to my tank. What i tried to do was get some kind of foam and isolate my return pump. It doesnt seem to have worked all the way.
This tank has been set up for almost 9 months. But i just recently started noticing this. Is there something wrong with my circulation in there??
What i have is a 20 gallon sump, a microjet pumping water up to about a 5 gallon fuge(prob a little less) thats set higher than my sump, then the water is gravity fed back down into my sump and up to my tank. My skimmer is overflowed into my wetdry and then then pushed up to my main tank.


Active Member
baffles are barriers that the water has to go aroung. So the water does not flow straight though it has to go around the baffles. Sorry about the poor picture, I did it quickly with paintbrush. Hope this helps.