Air bubbles in the tank..Help!!


New Member
I just set up a 58 gal reef tank. I used a wet/dry filter with a little giant 4sd something pump(forgot the number) I used a y fitting in the discharge line to have the water coming into the tank on both sides to create more flow.. After turning everything on the tank is hazy from all the bubbles. I re-did all the PVC piping from the filter to the pump and clamped all the lines from the pump to the tank to hopefully stop any small leaks but it didn't help. I am about to throw in the towel and go with a different filter.. Any suggestions..Thanks..


make sure the outputs are under water.. also make sure you dont have anything to high above the water level.. It will pump out most of the air quickly but it takes a while to purge all the air out.


New Member
Just to add some more info.. The tank has been running for 3weeks now and still the same amount of air bubbles. Both outputs are totally submerged and the sump has about 3inches of water above the discharge line going to the pump so there is no whirlpool effect going on.. Thanks again..