Air Duster can


Active Member
stupid? maybe.....childish?
take an air duster can, that you can get from walmart to spray your computer to dust it off....turn it upside down and spray has the tendency to hurt if you spray it on someone or yourself, so dont do that maybe, or not for a long period of time...but if you spray it in a cup...and let the liquid collect, then go to the sink, and put water in it....whew....and a million other things you can do with it...that is all


Originally Posted by Bronco300
stupid? maybe.....childish?
take an air duster can, that you can get from walmart to spray your computer to dust it off....turn it upside down and spray has the tendency to hurt if you spray it on someone or yourself, so dont do that maybe, or not for a long period of time...but if you spray it in a cup...and let the liquid collect, then go to the sink, and put water in it....whew....and a million other things you can do with it...that is all
i dont get it...?? what does it do?


Active Member
i dont know what it is inside the can....but it seems to take on certain characteristics like liquid is freezing cold...spray it on some wood for a bit, you will see it frost has to be upside down though....spray it on a window and youll see it do the same...spray it into a plastic cup and let the cold liquid collect up...then put water into it, and'll turn to ice just have to try it....if you spray it on your skin, or someone elses for that matter, it can burn a little bit.


Active Member
ummmm, that would be a definite.......NO!! The can is highly combustible if played with too much. The contents are not safe for human use/consumption.
Read the can.........


Active Member
Most of those cans contain 100% tetraflouroethane, which is a gas and when its under pressure it is a liquid, but when exposed or vented to the air it rapidly expands and makes the pressure part, but in the process the rapid expansion of the gas can super cool, as you already found out. of course you have to vent the liquid for it to get that cold or at leat have liquid picked up in the process. Just the gas allowed to vent off in normal operation would only present a blast of gas, but allowing the liquid to release as such it will get cold from rapid expansion. Aircraft do not use freon or freon based refridgerants to provide air conditioning, they use compressed air. They get it from the jet engines bleed air (air is also a gas) which is 900 or more deg f. Its compressed, and then rapidly expanded, and when its expanded quickly it can drop the temps from that 900deg F to a minus 100 deg.....all without usiing any refreigerant. Its similar to letting the air out of a tire. It can be hot outside yet that flow of air from inside that hot tire gets cold......Same thing as that compressed tetraflouroethane being released from the can......or the process of evaporating/condensing refridgerant in a air conditioner. Different gasses will act differently but they all will cool some more than others, when rapidly allowed to expand. IIRC tetraflouroethane can get to approx 120 deg below zero...certainly more than enough to cause severe frost bite or worse...I know, I know, just what you all really wanted to know....;-)


Active Member
whew, that was a lot its contains 0% ? and this stuff formthe can....has the possibility of causing frost bit if used stupidly? or is that something else since it has 00%?
its good info though, very cool


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
whew, that was a lot its contains 0% ? and this stuff formthe can....has the possibility of causing frost bit if used stupidly? or is that something else since it has 00%?
its good info though, very cool
Sorry about that, the number one key on my keyboard sometimes does not give me a number one when I hit it and i no sooner hit enter to post and noticed my mistakes and ommissions, and i tried to correct it, and my computer kept hanging and had to reboot, so you can now read it as 100% ...........Too many cracker crumbs and spilled coffee
in the keyboard I guess.


Active Member
haha, is that technicaly hazordous unless you spray it in a big amount on you?? if you happen to spray a small tidbit on you its not deathly or anything like that..of course unless you not too smart and just spray a ton on oneself


Active Member
Step away from the can............................................................................walk away from the can..................................................................