air or no air


guys just wanted to know oppions on air stones in the tank lfs "expert" said noway but then i go to another fish store and they got air stones and bubble curtains in almost all of their tanks any insite on this? good idea or not


guess ill stay away from thelfs that has air stones in their tanks
thanks for answering my question :cheer: :jumping:


Active Member
No airstones.....I bet you must have been in a *****......they are the only ones I have ever seen with bubble wands and treasure chests hooked up to air pumps in their salt water main display tank, and a heap of hideous artificial plants.


Active Member
No, you do not want airstones anywhere in your saltwater tank. If you need more oxygen (higher pH), just increase the surface agitation in your tank.


Active Member protein skimmer makes a lot of bubbles. I guess that would be the only exception. I was thinking of an airstone just for raising the ph. I guess I could re-aim a pw. I'm glad the question was ask, would have hated to find out later


I was pretty sure you shouldn't use air stones in salt water.
I have been told that it will burn any coral!
Thus I thought it was a sign of my lfs ignorance that the only aquarium (in the entire store: fresh and salt) that they had air stones in was their coral display!? :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
I was pretty sure you shouldn't use air stones in salt water.
I have been told that it will burn any coral!
Thus I thought it was a sign of my lfs ignorance that the only aquarium (in the entire store: fresh and salt) that they had air stones in was their coral display!? :scared:

I wonder what they would say if you told them it wasn't suppose to be in there.


Active Member
We are all blowing air through the Protein Skimmers so the problem must only be with the air bubbles coming into direct contact with the fish or corals. If we shouldn't be using air anywhere in our systems then the skimmers would have to go. Is that a correct assumption?


Air bubbles hurt the gills of the fish when then come into contact with them. sponges will die because the air bubbles get into them and prevent them from being able to feed. IF there are air bubbles coming out of your protein skimmer it needs to be cleaned or you don't have it set-up properly.


Active Member
I have some air bubble coming from the bottom but i's in the fuge and after the water leaves the skimmer area it has to go over and under 5 slats before it gets pumped into the tank. I don't see any air bubbles coming from the PW's at all and water is crystal clear.


Originally Posted by larryndana
I wonder what they would say if you told them it wasn't suppose to be in there.

Been there done that (nothing changed!!)


Then your fine. The reason i pretty sure that lion crazz was telling you to go for more surface movement is you get way more oxegen that way. OX doesn't enter the water by the air stone only where the tiny bubbles brake the surface of the water, so putting a power head to cause big ripples in the top puts way more ox into the water with oout the bubbles that can hurt your fish.